So, do you know what happens when you stand up and tell 164 people (the number who read my last post - amazing!) that you are going to make some positive changes in your life...
'Life' smacks you in the face - crisis at church, difficult co-worker, arguments with husband, children melt-downs, etc. Ugh.
A friend told me recently that when life knocks you down, God is there to catch you. I guess that means succumbing to anger, fear, and depression are not the best response - oops.
This morning I read about Gideon. He was living in a time when God's people were oppressed by the Midionites. He was threshing wheat and he was hiding to do it so the Midionites would not steal his harvest. Life was not good - or was it. He was doing a boring, everyday job in fear of losing his food and profit. On the other hand, even in a time when God's people were being disciplined for disobeying him, a time when they were in rebellion, God made sure their needs were provided for.
If I have learned anything through my years of food addiction and depression, it is that nothing is wasted in God's plan. Every path we tread is preparation for the future adventures He has planned for us. If I let Him, God will use every event in my life to shape me into the person He wants me to be.
So - here I come Life. I am going to chose to look at you differently. That wheat I don't feel like threshing today is a blessing. Lord, help me reframe each circumstance, seeing them through your eyes. Help me be thankful for the life you give me.
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