I am writing this one week before the planned start of 7. As I contemplate what type of food fast God wants for me I have already begun to hear his voice. He's already tapping on an area that needs repentance - my pride.
See - in the past few years I have made many changes in what and how I eat. I want to list all these accomplishments and get some pats on the back. I want people to appreciate how far I have come before I lay out the next steps. However, that is not the blog God wants me to write. I hear his gentle voice telling me to stop. My desire for acceptance and my reliance on the approval of others needs to be crucified.
I just read the story of the Rich young ruler and saw something I had not noticed before. After the man tells Jesus that he has kept all the commandments, he says "what am I still lacking?" This man was doing so many things right, but he humbly recognized his own need, his own emptiness. He wanted more of God in his life.
Lord, may I also humbly ask you to search me and tell me where I am lacking. My I seek more of you, acknowledging how far you have brought me, but never forgetting that we have ever farther to go.
(Warning - that prayer is dangerous. Not one hour after praying it I found myself snapping at my husband over an old grudge I thought I had released years ago. I haven’t even started the fast and God is already shaking out my weaknesses. That is how it works for me. I fast from my comforts and the ugly hidden parts of my spirit start to show. Then I either cover them back up or let God heal them. Let’s hope I choose the second option more often.)
So - with no fanfare or history attached, here is how I will be fasting during food month:
Give up flavored water - only water, juice, unsweetened tea, and milk for beverages.
No graham crackers (my go to snack food)
3-5 meatless lunches a week
Spend as little as possible by using up what we already have (working on food waste)
I am also considering giving up pork and fast food. I don’t eat much fast food but sometimes I’m with the family and we stop there. I’ll have to ponder the exact limits on this. Lastly our family has pizza once a week. Maybe I can add salad to that meal.
I am also super excited to announce that my girls (age 9 and 12) want to travel 7 with me. This month they will be abstaining from all chips.
This is so exciting! I am still working out what we will be fasting from myself but I am excited to get started. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.